Bushranger's Autumn Lawn Care Tips

Posted 15 July 2022
Seasonal Lawn Care Tips

Autumn marks the end of the festive and growing season, which means your lawn is in a state of transition. Following the heavy foot traffic and sweltering heat, your lawn will be experiencing both the healing process and lingering growth effects. During this transition, your lawn will require special care to prepare for winter dormancy. 

Each season will require different mowing schedules, maintenance, and watering frequencies. To help you through autumn, we’ve outlined our top tips to keep your lawn looking spick and span.

Prioritise Aeration

Is your soil looking a little too compacted for your liking? This is almost guaranteed after the festive season. For the entertainers who host Christmas parties, BBQ cookups, and Australia Day activities, the heavy foot traffic will have taken its toll on your lawn. Aerating is the best way to help your yard recover. Simply conduct the fork test to determine the density of your soil. If it’s difficult to push down, then it’s time to aerate. Homeowners with small lawns can continue to fork holes into the ground, but those with larger lawns will benefit from using a mechanical aerator. 

Give Your Lawn A Good Feed

The natural step after aerating is feeding your lawn with a good fertiliser. During this transition season, your ideal fertiliser would be of the slow-release, low nitrogen category. This will help you to reap all the benefits of remaining summer heat retained in your soil before winter dormancy sets in. To make sure you’re using the right fertiliser for your lawn, head into your nearest Bushranger retailer for advice.

Autumn Watering Tips

Your watering schedule will be adjusted as the season progresses to best suit the changes in temperature. While the temperature is still high, you should aim to water twice a week to prevent dryness. However, once the cold begins to roll through, you could be watering just once every 7 - 10 days. To make the most of your watering, ensure you take into consideration your timing and scheduling. The best time to soak your lawn is in the morning, which reduces evaporation and the risk of fungal issues. In terms of scheduling, try to keep your watering days infrequent, as this trains the roots to use water more efficiently.

Traffic Management

Despite the heavy foot traffic your lawn would have copped in the summer festivities, you might have noticed it was able to regenerate itself quite quickly. Unfortunately, the same isn’t true for the cooler months, and you could have problem areas appear. To help bare areas recover, you will need an individually tailored solution. For example, you could fence off problem areas, have a designated area for pets, or talk to your kids or postie about keeping off the lawn. 

Grubs And Pests

Lawn pests can become very active during autumn. Some of the grubs and pests you may come across during this season include army worms, snails, and caterpillars. These will be either root feeding or surface-dwelling, increasing the risk of damage to your grass roots and leaves. It’s necessary to apply suitable insecticides for your lawn, depending on your situation. Otherwise you're fighting an uphill battle to keep your lawn healthy. Visit your local Bushranger retailer for specific insecticide suggestions.

Combat Weeds

No one likes weeds popping up in their yard. They’re unsightly and threaten your grass condition. One means of preventing weed infestations is to grow your grass longer, which prevents sunlight reaching and germinating weeds. For more control over weed prevention, apply pre-emergent herbicides that tackle weeds before they germinate. Water the herbicide into your soil to help it reach where the seeds are sitting. Always read and follow the instructions as per your product of choice. 

Adjust Your Mowing Schedule

In the early weeks of autumn, you’ll want to maintain a somewhat similar mowing frequency as in summer. This could mean you’re mowing at least once a week. However as you progress further into autumn, you can ease up on your mowing. To assist your grass’ photosynthesis process, you’ll want to raise your mower blades slightly so your cut grass has better access to sunlight. Thankfully, this also helps prevent weed infestations. By the end of the season, you could be mowing as little as once a fortnight.

Prepare For Winter Dormancy

With less frequent mowing, watering, and fertilising, you’ll have more spare time on your hands. What’s better to use this spare time for than to start preparing for next season’s lawn care routine? In preparation for the new season, keep an eye out for our winter lawn care tips and your lawn will always be the talk of the town.

Bushranger's Autumn Lawn Care Tips

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